Decluttering v Losing weight

Anyone who knows me personally will know that I have had an issue with my weight on and off for a while. Now, just to be clear, at my heaviest I was probably no more than a stone and a half overweight. “So what’s the problem?” alot of you will be thinking. Since I was about 30 I have been on various diets with differing degrees of success. Sometimes my weight would go down a stone or so, I would feel great so I would take my foot off the brake and revert back to my normal habits and back on the weight would go. To me, that stone and a half REALLY matters. It’s the difference between feeling good about myself or not. It means my heart doesn’t sink every time I look in the wardrobe and it stops that guilty feeling when I reach for that chocolate.

In my professional life as The Clutter Fairy my key role is to motivate people to take steps towards a more organised and clutter free life, educate them as to how to achieve it and support them on that journey. When I set up the business and started to spend day after day doing just that, my own frustration with my inability to focus and be motivated enough to achieve what should be a straightforward thing grew and grew. I was motivating people day after day to come out off the rut they were stuck in with their clutter but couldn’t muster up that motivation for myself.

So what did I do? Well I decided to practise what I preach and called in professional help. I joined Slimming World back In January and so far so good. The weight is coming off nicely and best of all I feel hugely motivated to continue. Week after week I stay to the group which is educational, supportive and motivational. I am fascinated by the parallels between losing weight and the decluttering process. In the Slimming World Group there are success stories of people who have lost 7 stones and people who have lost a stone but the important thing is that the number doesn’t matter, each and everyone of them feels a sense of achievement – it’s all about how that weight or clutter makes YOU feel. The important thing is making that first step to draw a line under whatever your clutter or weight problem is and knowing the only way is up to a clutter free or a leaner life. Whether you are clambering over piles of stuff everywhere in your home or if it is just your garage that fills you with dread, if it gets you down, it’s important.

It’s not a crime to have a lack of motivation, or not to know where and how to start. Just be honest with yourself and if you need that gentle kickstart to get going, ask for help.